Hoax or not: Update your Facebook security settings
Friday, January 9, 2015
We are sure you have all seen people posting something like "Channel 13 news… Facebook privacy policy" and hoax or not it is a good reminder to check your privacy settings.

Here is how you can boost your privacy settings on Facebook.
1. Be cautious of those you friend.
2. Limit who can see your stuff to your Friends Only.
3. Change settings to make sure you are able to review all posts and things you are tagged in.
4. Limit Past Posts to update past public posts to friends only.
5. Update who can add you as a friend to Friends of Friends.
6. Change those who can send you a message to Strict Filtering
7. Only allow friends to look you up.
8. Do not allow search engines to link to your timeline.
This link on YouTube is a little out of date and some the settings have moved around since originally posted April 25th 2014. But it is great information.
You will also want to review your FB Apps to make sure the apps your friends are using are not sharing information about you.
All social media sites have security setting and when you sign up they are set to default. We suggest taking some time at least yearly to make sure you are protecting your photos and posts from public viewing.
Categories: Social Media, Web Blog